import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js' import { createHash } from 'crypto' import dotenv from 'dotenv' import { ObjectExpression } from 'estree' import { readdir, readFile, stat } from 'fs/promises' import GithubSlugger from 'github-slugger' import { Content, Root } from 'mdast' import { fromMarkdown } from 'mdast-util-from-markdown' import { mdxFromMarkdown, MdxjsEsm } from 'mdast-util-mdx' import { toMarkdown } from 'mdast-util-to-markdown' import { toString } from 'mdast-util-to-string' import { mdxjs } from 'micromark-extension-mdxjs' import 'openai' import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from 'openai' import { basename, dirname, join } from 'path' import { u } from 'unist-builder' import { filter } from 'unist-util-filter' import { inspect } from 'util' dotenv.config() const ignoredFiles = ['pages/404.mdx'] /** * Extracts ES literals from an `estree` `ObjectExpression` * into a plain JavaScript object. */ function getObjectFromExpression(node: ObjectExpression) { return< Record >((object, property) => { if (property.type !== 'Property') { return object } const key = (property.key.type === 'Identifier' && || undefined const value = (property.value.type === 'Literal' && property.value.value) || undefined if (!key) { return object } return { ...object, [key]: value, } }, {}) } /** * Extracts the `meta` ESM export from the MDX file. * * This info is akin to frontmatter. */ function extractMetaExport(mdxTree: Root) { const metaExportNode = mdxTree.children.find((node): node is MdxjsEsm => { return ( node.type === 'mdxjsEsm' &&[0]?.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' &&[0].declaration?.type === 'VariableDeclaration' &&[0].declaration.declarations[0]?.id.type === 'Identifier' &&[0].declaration.declarations[0] === 'meta' ) }) if (!metaExportNode) { return undefined } const objectExpression = ([0]?.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' &&[0].declaration?.type === 'VariableDeclaration' &&[0].declaration.declarations[0]?.id.type === 'Identifier' &&[0].declaration.declarations[0] === 'meta' &&[0].declaration.declarations[0].init?.type === 'ObjectExpression' &&[0].declaration.declarations[0].init) || undefined if (!objectExpression) { return undefined } return getObjectFromExpression(objectExpression) } /** * Splits a `mdast` tree into multiple trees based on * a predicate function. Will include the splitting node * at the beginning of each tree. * * Useful to split a markdown file into smaller sections. */ function splitTreeBy(tree: Root, predicate: (node: Content) => boolean) { return tree.children.reduce((trees, node) => { const [lastTree] = trees.slice(-1) if (!lastTree || predicate(node)) { const tree: Root = u('root', [node]) return trees.concat(tree) } lastTree.children.push(node) return trees }, []) } type Meta = ReturnType type Section = { content: string heading?: string slug?: string } type ProcessedMdx = { checksum: string meta: Meta sections: Section[] } /** * Processes MDX content for search indexing. * It extracts metadata, strips it of all JSX, * and splits it into sub-sections based on criteria. */ function processMdxForSearch(content: string): ProcessedMdx { const checksum = createHash('sha256').update(content).digest('base64') const mdxTree = fromMarkdown(content, { extensions: [mdxjs()], mdastExtensions: [mdxFromMarkdown()], }) const meta = extractMetaExport(mdxTree) // Remove all MDX elements from markdown const mdTree = filter( mdxTree, (node) => ![ 'mdxjsEsm', 'mdxJsxFlowElement', 'mdxJsxTextElement', 'mdxFlowExpression', 'mdxTextExpression', ].includes(node.type) ) if (!mdTree) { return { checksum, meta, sections: [], } } const sectionTrees = splitTreeBy(mdTree, (node) => node.type === 'heading') const slugger = new GithubSlugger() const sections = => { const [firstNode] = tree.children const heading = firstNode.type === 'heading' ? toString(firstNode) : undefined const slug = heading ? slugger.slug(heading) : undefined return { content: toMarkdown(tree), heading, slug, } }) return { checksum, meta, sections, } } type WalkEntry = { path: string parentPath?: string } async function walk(dir: string, parentPath?: string): Promise { const immediateFiles = await readdir(dir) const recursiveFiles = await Promise.all( (file) => { const path = join(dir, file) const stats = await stat(path) if (stats.isDirectory()) { // Keep track of document hierarchy (if this dir has corresponding doc file) const docPath = `${basename(path)}.mdx` return walk( path, immediateFiles.includes(docPath) ? join(dirname(path), docPath) : parentPath ) } else if (stats.isFile()) { return [ { path: path, parentPath, }, ] } else { return [] } }) ) const flattenedFiles = recursiveFiles.reduce( (all, folderContents) => all.concat(folderContents), [] ) return flattenedFiles.sort((a, b) => a.path.localeCompare(b.path)) } abstract class BaseEmbeddingSource { checksum?: string meta?: Meta sections?: Section[] constructor(public source: string, public path: string, public parentPath?: string) {} abstract load(): Promise<{ checksum: string meta?: Meta sections: Section[] }> } class MarkdownEmbeddingSource extends BaseEmbeddingSource { type: 'markdown' = 'markdown' constructor(source: string, public filePath: string, public parentFilePath?: string) { const path = filePath.replace(/^pages/, '').replace(/\.mdx?$/, '') const parentPath = parentFilePath?.replace(/^pages/, '').replace(/\.mdx?$/, '') super(source, path, parentPath) } async load() { const contents = await readFile(this.filePath, 'utf8') const { checksum, meta, sections } = processMdxForSearch(contents) this.checksum = checksum this.meta = meta this.sections = sections return { checksum, meta, sections, } } } type EmbeddingSource = MarkdownEmbeddingSource async function generateEmbeddings() { // TODO: use better CLI lib like yargs const args = process.argv.slice(2) const shouldRefresh = args.includes('--refresh') if ( !process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL || !process.env.SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY || !process.env.OPENAI_KEY ) { return console.log( 'Environment variables NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL, SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY, and OPENAI_KEY are required: skipping embeddings generation' ) } const supabaseClient = createClient( process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL, process.env.SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY, { auth: { persistSession: false, autoRefreshToken: false, }, } ) const embeddingSources: EmbeddingSource[] = [ ...(await walk('pages')) .filter(({ path }) => /\.mdx?$/.test(path)) .filter(({ path }) => !ignoredFiles.includes(path)) .map((entry) => new MarkdownEmbeddingSource('guide', entry.path)), ] console.log(`Discovered ${embeddingSources.length} pages`) if (!shouldRefresh) { console.log('Checking which pages are new or have changed') } else { console.log('Refresh flag set, re-generating all pages') } for (const embeddingSource of embeddingSources) { const { type, source, path, parentPath } = embeddingSource try { const { checksum, meta, sections } = await embeddingSource.load() // Check for existing page in DB and compare checksums const { error: fetchPageError, data: existingPage } = await supabaseClient .from('nods_page') .select('id, path, checksum, parentPage:parent_page_id(id, path)') .filter('path', 'eq', path) .limit(1) .maybeSingle() if (fetchPageError) { throw fetchPageError } type Singular = T extends any[] ? undefined : T // We use checksum to determine if this page & its sections need to be regenerated if (!shouldRefresh && existingPage?.checksum === checksum) { const existingParentPage = existingPage?.parentPage as Singular< typeof existingPage.parentPage > // If parent page changed, update it if (existingParentPage?.path !== parentPath) { console.log(`[${path}] Parent page has changed. Updating to '${parentPath}'...`) const { error: fetchParentPageError, data: parentPage } = await supabaseClient .from('nods_page') .select() .filter('path', 'eq', parentPath) .limit(1) .maybeSingle() if (fetchParentPageError) { throw fetchParentPageError } const { error: updatePageError } = await supabaseClient .from('nods_page') .update({ parent_page_id: parentPage?.id }) .filter('id', 'eq', if (updatePageError) { throw updatePageError } } continue } if (existingPage) { if (!shouldRefresh) { console.log( `[${path}] Docs have changed, removing old page sections and their embeddings` ) } else { console.log(`[${path}] Refresh flag set, removing old page sections and their embeddings`) } const { error: deletePageSectionError } = await supabaseClient .from('nods_page_section') .delete() .filter('page_id', 'eq', if (deletePageSectionError) { throw deletePageSectionError } } const { error: fetchParentPageError, data: parentPage } = await supabaseClient .from('nods_page') .select() .filter('path', 'eq', parentPath) .limit(1) .maybeSingle() if (fetchParentPageError) { throw fetchParentPageError } // Create/update page record. Intentionally clear checksum until we // have successfully generated all page sections. const { error: upsertPageError, data: page } = await supabaseClient .from('nods_page') .upsert( { checksum: null, path, type, source, meta, parent_page_id: parentPage?.id, }, { onConflict: 'path' } ) .select() .limit(1) .single() if (upsertPageError) { throw upsertPageError } console.log(`[${path}] Adding ${sections.length} page sections (with embeddings)`) for (const { slug, heading, content } of sections) { // OpenAI recommends replacing newlines with spaces for best results (specific to embeddings) const input = content.replace(/\n/g, ' ') try { const configuration = new Configuration({ apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_KEY, }) const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration) const embeddingResponse = await openai.createEmbedding({ model: 'text-embedding-ada-002', input, }) if (embeddingResponse.status !== 200) { throw new Error(inspect(, false, 2)) } const [responseData] = const { error: insertPageSectionError, data: pageSection } = await supabaseClient .from('nods_page_section') .insert({ page_id:, slug, heading, content, token_count:, embedding: responseData.embedding, }) .select() .limit(1) .single() if (insertPageSectionError) { throw insertPageSectionError } } catch (err) { // TODO: decide how to better handle failed embeddings console.error( `Failed to generate embeddings for '${path}' page section starting with '${input.slice( 0, 40 )}...'` ) throw err } } // Set page checksum so that we know this page was stored successfully const { error: updatePageError } = await supabaseClient .from('nods_page') .update({ checksum }) .filter('id', 'eq', if (updatePageError) { throw updatePageError } } catch (err) { console.error( `Page '${path}' or one/multiple of its page sections failed to store properly. Page has been marked with null checksum to indicate that it needs to be re-generated.` ) console.error(err) } } console.log('Embedding generation complete') } async function main() { await generateEmbeddings() } main().catch((err) => console.error(err))