---- [Link to Github repo](https://github.com/AtotheY/saas-landingpage) [Link to Figma file](https://www.figma.com/community/file/1366853311251031961) --- ## 👋 Hi, Anthony here. The goal of this boilerplate is to have a simple landing page to use whenever I start a new SaaS. This is designed to be a minimal starting point for a pre-launch SaaS to start generating leads. Coding a landing page can take a lot of time that could be better spent building your product or talking to users. So, I did the overhead work of researching standard SaaS landing page principles and putting together the simplest pre-launch landing page possible. You'll notice there's an emphasis on simplicity. I believe a landing page's job is to tell your users what you do in the simplest language and shortest time possible. See my notes on [[SaaS Landing Page Design Standards]] for an explanation on my design decisions, and examples + references of good landing pages. To get started and for more info on the tech stack, checkout the [Github repo](https://github.com/AtotheY/saas-landingpage) and [Figma file](https://www.figma.com/community/file/1366853311251031961). If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to create a Github issue or PR. If you'd like to join a group of like-minded tech founders, feel free to join the [tech founder discord](https://discord.gg/JNc6uPUqUU) and feel free to follow me on [my socials](https://linktr.ee/anthonysistilli) :)